Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Originum Peccatum Sola Adami

Original Sin By Adam Alone. Ever heard of that doctrine? (thats the name Dr. Brewer suggested) Me neither. But maybe we should have. Martin Luther, who is responsible in many ways for the contemporary conception of Christianity, discussed righteousness in a very specific way - that it is imputed by grace alone. By this, he suggest that men are in no part responsible for their salvation, but that it is from a source completely alien to them. He says in the same way, original sin is not the working of man either, but also imputed by an alien source. Luther has left the mark on Christianity that because of sola gratia, men are completely non-responsible for their salvation. But why has he left th eequation unbalanced? If grace and sin are contraries and both imputed by alien sources, why are humans responsible for one but not the other? It seems that Luther would necessarily have to conclude that if man cannot claim his righteous, due to its alien imputation, that man also should not have to claim sin either, due to ITS alien imputation.


Chris said...

Interesting you just posted about economics on my blog, cuz I just wrote a post about that...
Is that a book you are referencing about Adam's original sin?

Grant said...

Not a book, just an inconsistency I picked up on when reading some of Luther's stuff for a test. I asked a professor about it and he supplied the latin title but had no explanation or thoughts on the matter.