Tuesday, August 14, 2007

long day

so, 12 hour days at work should be avoided as "regular"... especially when you are working on the the same salary my grandad sam offered his lawnman jamie in 1987....

i am currently sitting in a coffee shop in waco texas listening to what i assume is open mic night. there is a man of most likely 40 plus but not more than 50 years old... and as i type is hanging up his guitar... probably for the better. he has been giving us his own commentary on truth in song form, which i can respect even if i do disagree, but i do ask that my respect be rewarded with thoughtful insights and a thorough investigation of that which you may be commenting on. this man, for instance, is claiming that he has found the spiritual in all types of religion - i have not quarrel with such statement - but then claims that they are all saying the same thing jesus said (thats verbatim). i then have found quarrel. the exclusivity of the claims of jesus lie within several factors. standing out to myself is the personal interest and investment you ought associate with christ that is not found in other modes of belief. this thought leads me to some thoughts i had earlier today regarding the determinism found in some lines of christian thought. anyone who knows me probably knows of my disapproval of calvinism and it is this undermining of christ's personal investment into his creation that causes me to be so. the calvinism that claims a loving creator, if completely honest with themselves, ought admit that the description they prescribe to god is much more similar to tolerance. well, we arent talking much about truth now, but remember grant, this is a record for yourself to sort thoughts... ok, back on plan. is it still talking to yourself if it is typed into the public arena?

Monday, August 6, 2007

Note to self....

Well, self, i fully anticipate you to be the only person ever to read this, which is fine. hopefully this space will help you collect your thoughts about reality, truth, the composition of these things, and also what they are not. right now, i am thinking that reality is mainly patterns. this is subtley different from the normal conception. i think this is more like imagining reality as not being the bricks we often imagine it to be, but rather the mortar between the bricks. it also suggest reality as a contigency, a purely relative situation.

as far as what reality is not, pirsig has thoroughly convinced me that the common subject-object perspective of reality is inaccurate. that is maybe why i have dismissed the bricks and focused on the mortar... well, as far as i can tell, reality and truth are directly related. the nature an extent of this relationship is yet to be determined, but hopefully some thought and a place to express though with help create some informative questions... back when my mind needs unloading again.